Into a Dark Realm (The Darkwar Saga, Book 2)

Bok av Raymond E. Feist
3 röster
The second book in the Darkwar series, from world-wide bestselling author of Magician, Raymond E. Feist. Chaos threatens to overwhelm two worlds as the most dangerous force ever encountered threatens to invade Midkemia, while the most treacherous magician in history - the madman Leso Varen - begins to wreak havoc on the world of Kelewan. Pug and the Conclave of Shadows are determined to find Varen, only to discover that he has usurped the body of one of the most powerful men in the Empire of Tsuranuani - a Black Robe and member of the Assembly of Magicians. Pug has the almost impossible task of uncovering the true identity of the fiendish magician in an entire city full of Black Robes. Murder, mayhem, horror, and the darkest evil await Pug's son, Magnus, and his companions as they attempt to discover the ultimate source of the terrible threat that hovers over Midkemia and Kelewan. Leading a desperate expedition into the realm of the Dasati, the vast and malevolent empire which is threatening his homeworld, Magnus hopes to find the key to defeating this enemy who is capable of overwhelming the combined might of two worlds. But even if he does, the companions will have a desperate struggle to return home with their vital information. Three worlds will teeter on the brink of destruction as the third Riftwar: the Darkwar, is unleashed.
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Into a Dark RealmEngelska - Pocket
ISBN: 9780060792824
Into a Dark RealmEngelska - Pocket
ISBN: 9780007133796
Into a Dark RealmEngelska - Ljudbok
ISBN: 9780007570287
Into a Dark Realm : Book Two of the Darkwar SagaEngelska - E-bok
ISBN: 9780061801907
Into a Dark Realm (Darkwar, Book 2)Engelska - E-bok
ISBN: 9780007381418
Into a dark realm - Raymond E FeistPocket
ISBN: 9780007133789
Into a dark realm - Raymond E FeistEngelska - Okänt
ISBN: 9780007133772
Into a Dark Realm (The Darkwar Saga, Book 2) - UsedEngelska - Okänt
ISBN: 9780060792800
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