Ronit & Jamil

Bok av Pamela L. Laskin
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Pamela L. Laskins beautiful and lyrical novel in verse delivers a fresh and captivating retelling of Shakespeares Romeo and Juliet that transports the star-crossed lovers to the modern-day Israel-Palestine conflict.Ronit, an Israeli girl, lives on one side of the fence. Jamil, a Palestinian boy, lives on the other side. Only miles apart but separated by generations of conflictmuch more than just the concrete blockade between them. Their fathers, however, work in a distrusting but mutually beneficial business arrangement, a relationship that brings Ronit and Jamil together. And lightning strikes. The kind of lightning that transcends barrier fences, war, and hatred.The teenage lovers fall desperately into the throes of forbidden love, one that would create an irreparable rift between their families if it were discovered. But a love this big can only be kept secret for so long. Ronit and Jamil must face the fateful choice to save their lives or their loves, as it may not be possible to save both.
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Ronit & JamilLjudbok
ISBN: 9780062661326
Ronit & JamilEngelska - Inbunden
ISBN: 9780062458544
Ronit & JamilEngelska - E-bok
ISBN: 9780062458551
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