Strategy bites back : it is a lot more, and less, than you ever imagined...

Bok av Henry Mintzberg
Henry Mintzberg's views are a breath of fresh air The Observer   a mine full of nuggets Guardian   A tasty smorgasbord of writings on strategy Director   This true gem of a book should sit proudly on any strategists bookshelf. The Edge     SWOTed by strategy models? Crunched by analysis? Strategy doesnt have to be this way.   Strategy is really all about being different. Thinking about it shouldnt make you reach for the snooze button. Strategy really can be fun!   To show you how, Strategy Bites Back brings you a provocative, imaginative and surprising mix of perspectives from a diverse choir of voices with something different to say about strategy. With a medley of writings from Michael Porter, Gary Hamel and Jack Welch, to Lucy Kellaway, John Kay and yes even Hans Christian Andersen, theres something in here for everyone.   SO DIVE IN, ENJOY AND SOON YOULL BE BITTEN BY THE STRATEGY BUG!   For more on strategy and on some of the authors other books, see