Collaborative Grantseeking : A Guide to Designing Projects, Leading Partners, and Persuading Sponsors

Bok av Jeremy T Miner
This book offers a detailed analysis of the strategies and methodologies of successful collaborative grant writing, as well as practical guidance on the interpersonal leadership requirements of managing grantseeking projects. As it becomes increasingly difficult to obtain public or private funding, collaboration may become absolutely vital to some nonprofits' continued existence. Effective grant collaborations always comprise a critical attribute: they are led by individuals who not only understand the benefits and barriers affecting collaborations, but are highly skilled in managing them. This reference text explains the nature of the collaboration and a critical examination of the role of the grant leader, giving nonprofit fundraisers a competitive edge in collaborative grantseeking, especially for those individuals without previous experience in this complicated arena. No other book comprehensively explains every step in a successful collaborative grantseeking effort, nor provides real-world strategies and proven practices. Readers of Collaborative Grantseeking: A Guide to Designing Projects, Leading Partners, and Persuading Sponsors will also better grasp the humanistic aspects of designing and leading successful collaborative projects and be able to write more persuasive proposals. Four samples of funded collaborative grants, complete with annotations and reviewers' comments, provide a starting point for developing your own collaborative proposals Includes a collection of 179 sample questionnaire items useful for generating a customized Collaboration Rating Form for your specific situation Includes a comprehensive Meeting Evaluation form containing 15 points of attitudinal information from collaborators A bibliography contains more than 70 significant books, journals, theses, websites, and other resources for grantseeking A helpful index facilitates cross-referencing important subjects