Using ICT to Develop Language and Extend Thinking in the Early Years
Bok av Alex Morgan
Information communications technologies (ICTs) such as television, computers, digital cameras, programmable toys, mobile phones, are playing an increasingly prominent role in young children's lives, but the effects on children can be negative if these are used inappropriately. This timely new book draws on recent research to provide guidance, support, and examples of good practice for all those working with young children on how technology can be used to stimulate language, collaboration, independence and creative play in young children. Written by leading experts in the field, the book looks at the role of television, graphics, programmable toys, adventure games and virtual learning environments in early years settings and suggests practical activities and approaches to extend children's thinking and develop their vocabulary through: * a play-based curriculum * sustained-shared thinking * parent partnership Including case studies and questions for discussion, this book is essential reading for students and practitioners that want to ensure they are using ICT appropriately and in a way that has a positive impact on outcomes for young children.