Going to University Abroad : A guide to studying outside the UK

Bok av Martin Hyde
More and more students in the world now decide to undertake their university studies in another country to their own. They see advantages of quality, value and experience in studying abroad and rightly see the experience as a preparation for life and a big plus for their CVs in an increasingly inter-connected world and job market. The world language is now undisputedly English and even universities in non-English speaking countries such as Holland and Denmark, universities that are wanting to attract international students, are switching to teaching university programmes in English. This makes for an unparalleled opportunity for UK students these days, just at a time when UK university fees are increasing significantly. This guide gives an overview of the opportunities available to UK students across the world, from the English speaking counties of the USA, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand, to Asia (India, Hong Kong, Malaysia and Singapore), to offers nearer home, in Europe. As well as information on what is available - the education systems and academic cultures and demands of the different destination countries are explained, application procedures and information on living (accommodation, food, entertainment) are provided and there are self-development exercises that will help with the process of cultural readjustment that you as a UK student are likely to undergo and need to understand. The book covers information for both undergraduate and postgraduate programmes and recommends ideal destination countries for these. Tips and advice on how to avoid certain pitfalls while being an international student living abroad are provided.