The Externally Focused Quest : Becoming the Best Church for the Community

Bok av Swanson Eric
A practical approach for leaders to guide their congregations tobecome more externally focused The Externally Focused Quest: Becoming the Best Church forthe Community is designed for church leaders who want totransform their churches to become less internally focused and moreoriented to the world around them. The book includes the clearguidelines on the ten changes congregations must adopt to becometruly outwardly focused. This book is not about getting allchurches to have an annual day of community service as a tactic butchanging the core of who they are and how they see themselves as apart of their community. * Outlines the ten changes needed for church leaders to transformtheir churches * Presents a highly practical approach that shows leaders how tobecome more externally focused without having to give up programsthat serve members * A new volume in the popular Leadership Network Series This book reveals what it takes to make the major shift from aninternal to external focus and how that affects churchleadership.