Race, identity and citizenship : a reader

Bok av Rodolfo D. Torres och Louis F. Miron m.fl.
This volume offers comparative and relational analysis of race, ethnicity, and culture at a time when boundaries designating radicalized groups are being radically redrawn. Particular attention is paid to how best to theorize 'race relations' in the context of demographic shifts, changing class formations, and new forms of global dislocations. This comprehensive and timely reader covers a range of topics including critical race theory, class and nationality, multiracial feminism, mixed race, the whiteness debates, cultural citizenship, and globalization. The contributors include Angela Davis, Stuart Hall, Richard Delgado, Robert Miles, Michael Eric Dyson, Saskia Sassen, Etienne Balibar, Patricia Hill Collins, Renato Rosaldo, Stanley Arononwitz, Collette Guillaumin, Nira Yuval-Davis, and Maxine Baca Zinn.