Collected papers

Bok av James Glimm
Bibliograpby ...325 Critical point dominance in quantum field models ...326 lp,' quantum fieId model in the single-phase regioni: Differentiability of the mass and bounds on critical exponents ...341 Remark on the existence of lp:...345 On the approach to the critical point ...348 Critical exponents and elementary partic1es ...362 V Particle Structure Introduction...371 Bibliography ...371 The entropy principle for vertex funetions in quantum fieId models ...372 Three-partic1e structure of lp' interactions and the sealing limit ...397 Two and three body equations in quantum field models ...409 Partic1es and scaling for lattice fields and Ising models ...437 The resununation of one particIe lines...450 VI Bounds on Coupling Constants Introduction...479 Bibliography ...479 Absolute bounds on vertices and couplings ...480 The coupling constant in a lp' field theory ...491 VII Confinement and Instantons Introduction...497 Bibliography ...497 Instantons in a U(I) lattice gauge theory: A coulomb dipole gas ...498 Charges, vortiees and confinement...516 vi VIII ReOectioD Positivity Introduction...531 Bibliography ...531 A note on reflection positivity ...5 32 vii Collected Papers - Volume 1 Introduction...1 Bibliography ...5 I Infinite Renormalization of the Hamiltonian Is Necessary 9 II Quantum Field Theory Models: Parti. The ep;" Model 13 Introduction...13 Fock space...17 Q space...28 The Hamiltonian H(g)...39 Removing the space cutoff...50 Lorentz covariance and the Haag-Kastler axioms...61 Part II. The Yukawa Model 71 Preliminaries ...72 First and second order estimates ...86 Resolvent convergence and self adjointness ...98 The Heisenberg picture ..." ...