Bodhisattva Path of Wisdom and Compassion

Bok av Chogyam Trungpa
ChgyamTrungpa continues his study of the three ';yanas' of Tibetan Buddhism with this overview ofthe teachings of themahayanaThis three-volume collection presents inlively, relevant language the comprehensive teachings of the Tibetan Buddhist path of the hinayana, mahayana, and vajrayana. Considered Chgyam Trungpa's magnum opus,The Profound Treasury of the Ocean of Dharmawill resonate with new and senior students of Buddhism.In this second volume,Chgyam Trungpapresents the bodhisattva teachings of the mahayana. At this pointhaving trained and seen the benefits of looking withinthe student begins to shift their focus outward to the broader world. Formal entry into the mahayana occurs with taking the bodhisattva vow. Mahayana practitioners dedicate themselves to the service of all sentient beings, aspiring to save them from sorrow and confusion, and vowing to bring them to perfect liberation. This stage of the path emphasizes the cultivation of wisdom through the view and experience of emptiness, orshunyata, in which all phenomena are seen to be unbounded, completely open, ungraspable, and profound. From the ground of shunyata, compassionate activity is said to arise naturally and spontaneously.In addition to mindfulness and awareness, the mahayanist practiceslojong, or "e;mind training,"e; based on the cultivation of theparamitas, or "e;transcendent virtues"e;: generosity, discipline, patience, exertion, meditation, and prajna, or "e;knowledge."e; As a component of lojong,tonglen, or "e;sending and taking,"e; is practiced in order to increasemaitri, or loving-kindness. Other topics covered in detail in this volume includebodhichitta, skillful means, Buddha nature and basic goodness, Madhyamaka, the tenbhumis, the threekayas, and more.