Arabs and the Holocaust : The Arab-Israeli War of Narratives

Bok av Gilbert Achcar
There is no more inflammatory topic than the Arabs and the Holocaust--the phrase alone can occasion outrage. Political scientist Gilbert Achcar analyzes the various Arab responses to Nazism, from the earliest intimations of the genocide, through the creation of Israel and the destruction of Palestine and up to our own time, critically assessing the political and historical context for these responses and offering by the same token a unique ideological mapping of the Arab world. While challenging distortions of the historical record, Achcar makes no concessions to anti-Semitism or Holocaust denial. while making no concessions to anti-Semitism or Holocaust denial. This pathbreaking, essential book provides a new basis for Arab-Israeli and Arab-Western understanding.
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The Arabs and the HolocaustEngelska - Pocket
ISBN: 9780863564581
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