Novum testamentum Graece: Ad antiquissimos testes denuo recensuit apparatum criticum omni studio perfectum apposuit commentationem isagogicam praetexuit Constantinus Tischendorf

Bok av Constantin Von Tischendorf
The German biblical scholar Constantin von Tischendorf (1815-74) published his monumental eighth edition of the Greek New Testament between 1869 and 1872. Following his death, the prolegomena was compiled by colleagues and appeared between 1884 and 1894. Influenced by the pioneering scholarship of Karl Lachmann (1793-1851), who had first moved away from relying on the Textus Receptus, Tischendorf placed key emphasis on the witness of older uncial manuscripts, most notably the Codex Sinaiticus (which he rediscovered) and the Codex Vaticanus. His painstaking work laid the foundations for the creation of modern critical texts, and the vast amount of manuscript evidence he collated has ensured that this edition remains a standard work of reference for biblical scholars and textual critics. Volume 1 (1869) contains the text and critical apparatus for the Gospels.