The Physical Life of Woman : Advice to the Maiden, Wife and Mother

Bok av Dr George H Napheys
George Henry Napheys (1842-1876) was a member of the Philadelphia County Medical Society; corresponding member of the Gynecological Society of Boston and late chief of the Medical Clinic of the Jefferson Medical College. His best known work The Physical Life of Woman: Advice to the Maiden, Wife and Mother was first published in 1871. On its appearance, the work was received with enthusiasm by both the medical press and the public. While a few journals and individuals were inclined to condemn it and censure the author, the intelligent and the pure-minded, on all sides, recognized in him the only writer who had yet appeared able to treat these delicate subjects with the dignity of science and the straightforwardness necessary for popular instruction. His other works include: The Transmission of Life, The Prevention and Cure of Disease, Modern Medical Therapeutics and Letters From Europe.