Modernity Britain

Bok av David Kynaston
The late 1950s was an action-packed, often dramatic time in which the contours of modern Britain began to take shape. These were the 'never had it so good' years, when the Carry On film series and the TV soap Emergency Ward 10 got going, and films like Room at the Top and plays like A Taste of Honey brought the working class to the centre of the national frame; when the urban skyline began irresistibly to go high-rise; when CND galvanised the progressive middle class; when 'youth' emerged as a cultural force; when the Notting Hill riots made race and immigration an inescapable reality; and when 'meritocracy' became the buzz word of the day. The consequences of this 'modernity' zeitgeist, David Kynaston argues, still affect us today.
7 utgåvor
Välj utgåva
Modernity Britain : Book One: Opening the Box, 1957-1959Engelska - Inbunden
ISBN: 9780747588931
Modernity BritainEngelska - Pocket
ISBN: 9781408844380
Modernity Britain : 1957-1962Engelska - Inbunden
ISBN: 9781620408094
Modernity britain
ISBN: 9781408831229
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