Object-Oriented ActionScript For Flash 8

Bok av Peter. Elst
If there's one thing I've learned as a developer, it's this: Complexity happens; simplicity, you have to consistently strive for. Nowhere is this truer than in education. Our role as teachers, by definition, is to simplify subjects so that they can be easily understood. A good teacher dispels trepidation with anecdote, abstraction with analogy, superstition and magic with knowledge. Simplicity, however, is not easily attained. In order to simplify, you must first gain an enc- passing understanding of the complex. It is a rare person who can simultaneously exist in both the simple and complex plains of a problem domain and communicate effectively at both levels. It is, however, these rare people who make the best teachers. Object-oriented programming (OOP) is a subject that many Flash developers do not approach due to a widespread erroneous perception of its enormous scope and complexity. Nothing could be further from the truth. The core concepts behind OOP are simple enough for a primary school student with a p- ticularly nasty case of Hynerian flu to understand in a single sitting.