The World Under My Feet : (el mundo bajo mis pies)
Bok av Victor Ramon Duranona
In this poetic adventure the reader is challenged to a new reflection, on a much wider plane than the authors usual typical slant on life, with its whims and crossroads, yet blended with his charismatic wit of Cuban humour. To delights of love, glimpses into the future and everything concise yet of profound meaning, makes us feel as lords of the universe. One will find Victors own inspired proverbs, phrases and haiku, all entwined with reality to be either relished or simple drowned in the atmosphere of short prose embellished with quips and satire which makes the reader feel at ease. Victor has had his book Love Forever published and has other titles ready for publication such as A Book of Impossibilities, Snippets on Life, Verses and Victors Law, Hundreds of Mini-Tales and One Desire, The Hole(tales), Friends, The City and its Surroundings, and so on. SOBRE EL LIBRO