iPhone Design Award-Winning Projects

Bok av Chris. Dannen
Readme This is a book about building apps with good design, parsimonious code and aesthetic appeal on the Apple iPhone and iPod Touch. At times, this book references code and give sample projects; other times, it delves into interaction and visual design. It doesn't take a CS doctorate to appreciate or even understand, but some familiarity with programming is assumed. Who is this book for? Lots of people. Mac developers looking to do a killer iPhone app might want to know the hard-won lessons or philosophies of others; iPhone hackers looking to step up their game might be trying to figure out how much to emulate Apple. Anyone who appreciates a success story will hopefully enjoy this book, but it's also inspirational. How technical is it? Parts of this book assumes basic knowledge of C or other object-oriented programming languages. In some cases, we reference specific Apple frameworks and interface guidelines. It will also help to be familiar with the Apple environment, from the quirks of the App Store to technologies inside OS X. How were these interviewees chosen? The five core chapters of this book are based on a series of interviews with five of the 2009 winners of Apple Design Awards (ADAs) for the iPhone. MLB.com, the makers of the sixth ADA winner, MLB.com at Bat, did not consent to be interviewed for this book in order to protect their intellectual property.