Wake UP!

Bok av Neil Gilligan
Wake Up! Preparing for the End-Times Outpouring is a trumpet calling the body of Christ to wake up to the fact that we are living in the post defeat of the saints era (see Dan. 7:21). Wake Up! gives the historical evidence of the defeat of the saints; in contrast it looks at the characters of Daniel and his friends and the first disciples and shows how they acted and responded to the stimulus from their culture, so they could be effective witnesses for Jesus Christ.Wake Up! encourages believers to become overcomers at the end of the end-times and to learn to counteract against the defeat of the saints. Believers are called to be continually filled by the Holy Spirit, to learn to release the gifts of the Spirit to destroy the works of the Devil, and to bring in the harvest and glorify the Lord. You will learn: The defeat of the saints prophesied in Daniel 7:21 is shown with numerous historical evidences how the defeat of the saints has occurred over the past three centuries. The saints are now living in the post-defeat of the saints era, but they are not to remain defeated. They need to be continually filled by the Holy Spirit and then demonstrate who Jesus is to the whole world. The little horn is still trying to defeat the saints through the Illuminati, whose goal it is to completely wipe out Christianity with their eugenic plans wanting to kill 90 percent of the world. The Ancient of Days has been pouring out His Spirit to help the saints to defeat the works of the Devil. Believers are to receive the Holy Spirit continually and then learn to demonstrate the gifts of the Spirit so we can bring glory to the Lord.