Health Benefits Derived from Sweet Orange

Bok av Frank Murray
Your body needs the right amount of blood flow to keep your heart pumping, your legs moving and your brain functioning. Clearly, good circulation is critical to your existence. Over a lifetime, your veins experience a lot of wear and tear. Excess weight, sedentary lifestyles, dietary indiscretions, pregnancy, and other factors can cause veins to swell and buldge, leak and break, while contributing to spider and varicose veins, hemorrhoids, leg ulcers, and many other vein problems. Standard tretments include lubricants, warm baths, compression stockings, laser surgery, and other less effective procedures. Real repair and maintenance, however, require mending vessel walls and strengthening and toning them to protect against future damage. A little-known bioflavonoid called "diosmin" has proven to to just that. Backed by clinical research, this citrus bioflavonoid has been recommended by European doctors to treat circulatory and vascular conditions for more than thirty years! Get the juicy dtails in "Health Benefits Derived from Sweet Orange," and learn what you can do to have strong veins, healthy legs, and sound circulation.