The Complete Guide to Inexpensive Ideaing

Bok av Mark A. McKitrick
This bookwas created to inspireand guide inventors in their creativejourney from idea conception (and capitalprocurement) to product production. Includedare exclusive, valuable patent, business plan, andbrochure templates that will facilitate the completion ofcritical steps along the way. You will also be provided yourown web site for no additional charge. This guide will takeyou step by step through the development process, andwill help you avoid the obstacles and pitfalls that hamper(or destroy) most inventors. In the real world, the in-vention business can be a very expensive and timeconsuming venture. In these pages, you willbe given the knowledge and resources thatwill enable you to bring your product tomarket at a substantially lower cost.Th e key is to not cut corners; butavoid dead ends. Spend money,but dont waste it. By readingthis guide, you can conceive,develop, fund, and produceyour product in a sensible,aff ordable, and enjoyableway. If youve read thisfar, youve probably gotan idea in your head.Go for it!