Biofluid Mechanics * 2

Bok av D J Schneck
The Department of Engineering Science and Hechanics at Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University spon- sored the First Mid-Atlantic Conference on Bio-Fluid Mechanics, which was held in Blacksburg, Virginia during the period 9-11 August 1978. Some 40 life-scientists, engineers, physicians and others who share a common interest in the advancement of basic and applied knowledge in bio- fluid mechanics gathered at the Donaldson Brown Center for Continuing Education to hear 25 papers presented in seven technical sessions. At the conclusion of the conference, those present decided unanimously that its success warranted having at least one more -- and that it was conceptually a sound idea to plan it on a biennial basis for late spring. Hence, the second Mid-Atlantic Conference on Bio- Fluid Mechanics took place at Virginia Tech on May 4-6, 1980. This volume documents the Proceedings of the second conference. It contains full texts of 23 contributed papers, 2 guest lectures and 1 invited seminar. The papers are gr9uped according to subject matter, beginning with 3 in the area of respiration, followed by 1 in kidney dialysis, 1 in reproduction, 1 in joint lubrication, 1 in prosthetic fluidics, 2 in zoology, and ending with 14 in the general field of cardiovascular dynamics. Of the latter, 5 deal with the subject of heart valves, 2 concern themselves with the microcirculation, 6 address vascular system hemodynamics and 1 covers some aspects of blood rheology.