Estrellitas Y Nopales, Little Stars and Cactus

Bok av Jose Chavez
In his first collection of bilingual poetry for children, Jos Chavez shares lyrical reflections that shine a light on a young Mexican-American boy who sees stars dance across the night sky, longs to sail to Mexico, paints his mothers smile, and loves his grandmothers green chile stew. With two cats and a friendly pig to keep him company, the curious boy embarks on a journey through his imagination as he contemplates what stars do in the daytime, and thinks of questions for the planet Saturn. En su primera recopilacin de poesas bilinges para nios, Jos Chavez comparte reflexiones lricas que iluminan a un joven Mxico-Americano que ve las estrellas bailar en el cielo nocturno, anhela navegar a Mxico, pinta la sonrisa de su madre, y le encanta el chile verde de su abuela. Con dos gatas y un cochinito amistoso, que lo acompaan, el nio curioso emprende un viaje a travs de su imaginacin mientras contempla lo que hacen las estrellas durante el da, y piensa en preguntas para el planeta Saturno. Both warm and charming, this delightful collection of poetry evokes vivid imagery that truly captures the Latino culture Annie Mary Perez, Author of Clay Hills and Mud Pies, and winner of the International Latino Book Awards, 2013 and 2014