Renew Your Mind

Bok av Chantal Hofstee
Developed from Chantal Hofstee's highly successful book, Mindfulness on the Run, and drawing on her years of experience as a clinical psychologist and executive coach, Renew Your Mind is the essential guide to rewiring your brain so that you can lead a rich and rewarding life that leaves you energized, healthy and happy. Few of us truly enjoy our day-to-day lives. Instead, we run around chasing our ever-growing to-do list, and end up feeling tired and anxious. This is a double tragedy, because failing to enjoy the good parts of our lives doesn't only dampen our happiness but also makes us less able to change the parts we don't like. Renew Your Mind is a program that was initially designed by Chantal to bring her own life back on track. Then she saw how effective it was at helping many of clients reduce stress and enjoy life more. The quick and effective program incorporates the latest neuroscience as well as aspects of mindfulness to give you insights into the brain and techniques that will enable you to improve brain function, and create a calmer, more focused mind. The result is greater productivity, increased efficiency, reduced anxiety, enhanced creativity, and improved relationships. Packed full of real-life case studies and practical exercises that can be done in minutes, Renew Your Mind will put you on the path to the life you've always wanted!
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Renew Your MindEngelska - Pocket
ISBN: 9781525281556
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