The Jewish Approach to Repairing the World (Tikkun Olam)

Bok av Elliot N. Dorff
Repairing the world (tikkun olam) is an integral part of Jewish life. It is a key feature in observances, holidays, and even mandates how we should speak to one another. But why is it important for Christians to understand this Jewish approach to life? And what kind of impact can understanding this fundamental aspect of Judaism have on Christians seeking to develop a deeper understanding of their own faith? With insight and wisdom, Rabbi Dorff provides accessible, honest and thorough answers to this important concept in Judaism. With easy-to-understand explanations of Jewish terms, practices and history, each chapter explores a different facet touched by the tradition of tikkun olam, paralleling explanations with Christian themes and practices. Topics covered include: ?????? The Meaning and Significance of Tikkun Olam ?????? Why Should We Care ?????? Religion and Ethics ?????? How We Talk to Each Other ?????? and Much More??????