The legend of Zelda : Hyrule historia
Bok av Akira Himekawa och Eiji Anuma m.fl.
Dark Horse Books and Nintendo team up to bring you The Legend of Zelda: Hyrule Historia, containing an unparalleled collection of historical information on The Legend of Zelda franchise.
This handsome hardcover contains never-before-seen concept art, the full history of Hyrule, the official chronology of the games, and much more!
Starting with an insightful introduction by the legendary producer and video-game designer of Donkey Kong, Mario, and The Legend of Zelda, Shigeru Miyamoto, this book is crammed full of information about the storied history of Link's adventures from the creators themselves!
As a bonus, The Legend of Zelda: Hyrule Historia includes an exclusive comic by the foremost creator of The Legend of Zelda manga - Akira Himekawa!
2 utgåvor
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The Legend of Zelda: Hyrule HistoriaEngelska - Inbunden
ISBN: 9781616550417
ISBN: 9781616550417
The Legend of Zelda - Hyrule HistoriaTyska - Inbunden
ISBN: 9783842008595
ISBN: 9783842008595
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