The Phoenix Conspiracy
Bok av Brian David Alexander
The Phoenix Conspiracy is a spiritual thriller that blends mystery, suspense, military intrigue and maybe even Alien abductions, with spiritual principles and quantum physics. It will captivate you and keep you on the edge of your seat as you are swept up in an adventure that leaves you wondering at the truth of you own existence, and even more so wondering if the story is indeed fact or fiction.
Reader Views an independent book review service, had this to say about The Phoenix Conspiracy
"I found "The Phoenix Conspiracy" to be an incredibly written, well-thought-out novel. Brian Alexander really impressed me with his ability to write an exceptional science fiction novel incorporating all of my favorite elements such as metaphysical, psychological, intrigue, romance and suspense. But most of all, his story infused me with the desire to want to make positive changes in my spiritual ways so that I can be more like the people who can save the planet. In spite of the knowledge that this is a fictional novel, there is a part of me that believes there could be some truth hidden in this tale. It takes a real gift of writing for an author to be able to do that."