Resurgent adventures with Britannia : personalities, politics and culture in Britain

Bok av Wm Roger Louis
Resurgent Adventures with Britannia builds upon Wm Roger Louis's stimulating and acclaimed series, Adventures with Britannia, and draws upon a distinguished array of writers and scholars - historians, political scientists, journalists, novelists, biographers and English literature specialists - to guide the reader through a fascinating labyrinth of British culture, history and politics. They provide a unique insight into the pivotal themes, both political and cultural, which have shaped 20th century state and society. There is detailed consideration of the works of leading figures in art, literature, politics and scholarship - including portraits of Hugh Trevor-Roper by Neal Ascherson, Nye Bevan by Kenneth O. Morgan and Margaret Thatcher by Archie Brown - and how these stellar figures have been deeply affected by war, the imperial experience, decolonization, the enduring problems of the Middle East, Communism, the Cold War and the British-America connections. And there are assessments by leading historians of statesmen, and episodes in global history, which have shaped the modern age. The result is a rich mix of original ideas, historical and literary allusion, personality and anecdote, which together provide an intellectual adventure into the mainsprings of modern British and international society.