Resurrect Your Dead Marriage

Bok av Reginald And Renea Morris
This book unveils a redemptive work that Jesus performs for seriously troubled marriages that God has waited until this time in human history to reveal these hidden truths from His Word. This book rips off the false lenses of a perfect marriage between Adam and Eve in the Garden and reveals the seeds of marital strife which ultimately lead to the fall of man. The book includes a "Special Commentary" from one of the author's partners during a period of infidelity to open our eyes to what is really happening when our spouses are not faithful. Written as a candid and open conversation between the authors and reader with the bible truths broken down in everyday terms, multitudes of tables and illustrations to make points memorable and the book for its size and quality being priced as a value to the reader. Also included are details for readers to download the free Book of Prayers eBook that aids the reader in living out the lessons contained in this book. This book has been 30 years in the making with the author(s) learning step by step from God through 3 separations and a contested divorce about the over 30 truths of Biblical principles and lessons learned along the way.