C*-Algebras and Applications to Physics : Proceedings, Second Japan-USA Seminar, Los Angeles, April 18-22, 1977

Bok av H Araki
Aspects of non-commutative order.- Correspondences between von neumann algebras and discrete automorphism groups.- The construction and decomposition of quantum fields using operator theory, probability and fiber bundles.- On KMS states of a C* dynamical system.- Recent developments in the theory of unbounded derivations in C*-algebras.- Quasi-expectations and injective operator algebras.- General short exact sequence theorem for toeplitz operators of uniform algebras.- AW*-algebras with monotone convergence property and type III, non W*, AW*-factors.- A non-W*, AW*-factor.- Fixed points and commutation theorems.- Algebraic features of equilibrium states.- Minimal dilations of CP-flows.- Resistance inequalities for the isotropic heisenberg model.- Homogeneity of the state space of factors of type III1.- Product isometries and automorphisms of the car algebra.- Construction of ITPFI with non-trivial uncountable T-set.- On the algebraic reduction theory for countable direct summand C*-algebras of separable C*-algebras.- C*-algebras and applications to physics.