Non-Covalent Multi-Porphyrin Assemblies : Synthesis and Properties

Bok av Enzo. Alessio
I. Bouamaied, T. Coskun, E. Stulz: Axial Coordination to Metalloporphyrins Leading to Multinuclear Assemblies.- Y. Kobuke: Porphyrin Supramolecules by Self-Complementary Coordination.-E. Iengo, F. Scandola, E. Alessio: Metal-Mediated Multi-Porphyrin Discrete Assemblies and Their Photoinduced Properties.-J.T. Hupp: Rhenium-Linked Multiporphyrin Assemblies: Synthesis and Properties.-G. Ercolani: Thermodynamics of Metal-Mediated Assemblies of Porphyrins.- L. Flamigni, V. Heitz, J.-P. Sauvage: Porphyrin Rotaxanes and Catenanes: Copper(I)-Templated Synthesis and Photoinduced Processes.- M.J. Gunter: Multiporphyrin Arrays Assembled Through Hydrogen-Bonding