Prebiotic Chemistry : From Simple Amphiphiles to Protocell Models

Bok av Peter Walde
D.W. Deamer, J.P. Dworkin: Chemistry and Physics of Primitive Membranes.-R.Saladino, C. Crestini, G. Costanzo, E. DiMauro: On the Prebiotic Synthesis of Nucleobases, Nucleotides, Oligonucleotides, Pre-RNA and Pre-DNA Molecules.-R. Pascal, L. Boiteau, A. Commeyras: From the Prebiotic Synthesis of alpha-Amino Acids Towards a Primitive Translation Apparatus for the Synthesis of Peptides.-I. Weissbuch, L:Leiserowitz, M. Lahav: Stochastic "Mirror-Symmetry Breaking" via Self-Assembly, Reactivity and Amplification of Chirality: Relevance to Abiotic Conditions.-E. Szathmáry, M.Santos, C. Fernando: Evolutionary Potential and Requirements for Minimal Protocells