Secure Transaction Protocol Analysis

Bok av Qingfeng. Chen
The application of formal methods to security protocol analysis has attracted increasing attention in the past two decades, and recently has been sh- ing signs of new maturity and consolidation. The development of these formal methodsismotivatedbythehostilenatureofsomeaspectsofthenetworkand the persistent e?orts of intruders, and has been widely discussed among - searchers in this ?eld. Contributions to the investigation of novel and e?cient ideas and techniques have been made through some important conferences and journals, such asESORICS,CSFW andACM Transactions in Computer Systems. Thus, formal methods have played an important role in a variety of applications such as discrete system analysis for cryptographic protocols, - lief logics and state exploration tools. A complicated security protocol can be abstractedasamanipulationofsymbolsandstructurescomposedbysymbols. The analysis of e-commerce (electronic commerce) protocols is a particular case of such symbol systems. There have been considerable e?orts in developing a number of tools for ensuring the security of protocols, both specialized and general-purpose, such as belief logic and process algebras. The application of formal methods starts with the analysis of key-distribution protocols for communication between two principals at an early stage. With the performance of transactions - coming more and more dependent on computer networks, and cryptography becoming more widely deployed, the type of application becomes more varied and complicated. The emerging complex network-based transactions such as ?nancial transactionsand secure groupcommunication have not only brought innovationstothecurrentbusinesspractice,butthey alsoposeabigchallenge to protect the information transmitted over the open network from malicious attacks.