Radio Frequency Identification: Security and Privacy Issues : 6th International Workshop, RFIDSec 2010, Istanbul, Turkey, June 8-9, 2010, Revised Selected Papers

Bok av Siddika Berna. Ors Yalcin
? RFIDSec2010,the6thworkshoponRFIDSecurity,washeldinIstanbul,Turkey, June 8-9, 2010. The workshop was sponsored by the FP7 Project ICE (Grant Agreement No: 206546) of The Scienti?c and Technological Research Council of Turkey-National Research Institute of Electronics and Cryptology .. ? (TUBITAK-UEKAE). Theworkshopattractedarecordnumberof47submissionsfrom23countries, of which the Program Committee selected 17 for publication in the workshop proceedings,resulting in an acceptance rateof 40%. The review process followed strict standards: each paper received at least three reviews. The Program C- mittee included 31 members representing 13 countries and 5 continents. These members were carefully selected to represent academia, industry, and gove- ment,aswellastoincludeworld-classexpertsinvariousresearch?eldsofinterest to RFIDSec. The Program Committee was supported by 38 external reviewers. Additionally, the workshop included three excellent invited talks. Ari Juels from RSA Laboratories discussed his vision of RFID security, in a talk entitled "The Physical Basis of RFID Security. " Pim Tuyls from Intrinsic-ID described his experiences in a talk entitled "Hardware Intrinsic Security. " Serge Vaudenay from EPFL discussed his vision of privacy in RFID systems in a talk entitled "Privacy Models for RFID Schemes. " I deeply thank A. Murat Apohan and Serhat Sa? gd?co? , glu, the General Chair and Co-chair of RFIDSec 2010, for their excellent and always timely work on managing the local organization and orchestrating conference logistics. I would liketodeeplythank theSteeringCommittee ofRFIDSec fortheirtrust,constant support, guidance, and kind advice on many occasions.