Common Bile Duct Exploration

Bok av George Berci
2. Stone extraction via the T-tube 89 3. Endoscopic method 89 4. Preparation for stone extraction 90 5. Technique 90 6. Results 91 7. Complications 91 8. Discussion 91 Index of Subjects 99 CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION This book was conceived as a descriptive atlas of most reliable indication for common bile duct ex- routine biliary surgery i. e. , cholecystectomy and ploration. The cholangioscope allows a visual ex- exploration of the common bile duct. For the pro- ploration of the biliary tree and permits the re- ject the two authors worked together for one week moval of common bile duct calculi and other as biopsy under direct visual con- at Ninewells Hospital and Medical School, Dundee procedures such on a series of patients with biliary tract disease trol. Both procedures have been described in detail especially selected for the exercise. With the con- with emphasis on the practical aspects of their use. sent of the Tayside Health Board and the patients The era of blind bilary surgery is over and the concerned, all the operations and peri-operative sooner this message is received by all concerned, procedures were filmed by the photographic mem- the better the outcome of biliary surgical practice bers of the team, Mr. and Mrs. Paz-Partlow. Ad- overall. ditional case material has been obtained from It has not been our intention to produce a com- Cedars Sinai Medical Center, Los Angeles.