Glass half empty, glass half full : how Asperger's syndrome has changed my life

Bok av Chris Mitchell
`Chris Mitchell was 20 when he was diagnosed with Asperger syndrome. Both his academic success and the horrendous bullying he suffered highlight the mixed blessings of mainstream education for a child with Asperger syndrome. While his eventual success is heartwarming, from today's understanding of Asperger, the ignorance and hostility Mitchell faced throughout his early life are shocking' - TES Extra for Special Needs 'This autobiographical account of a young man's discovery that Asperger's syndrome could explain his early problems and provide light at the end of the tunnel, is both insightful and inspiring. Parents of children with Asperger's syndrome and also older "aspies" will profit from Chris's hard won experience' - Dyslexia Contact '[This] is a straightforward read, full of concrete examples of how Asperger's syndrome affects the individual but at the same time acknowledging that every individual is different. Having experienced first-hand the vulnerability of the adolescent with Asperger's syndrome, desperate to make connections with those around him but constantly being knocked back, I was delighted to read about the friendships [Chris Mitchell] eventually establishes when he takes the brave decision to make contacts through the web and sets out on his travels. I would particularly recommend this book to those with little knowledge of Asperger's syndrome, especially for anyone involved in helping those with a diagnosis of Asperger's syndrome through further education' - British Journal of Special Education `This book is a 'must-read' for any parents of children with Aspergers syndrome and also older aspies themselves. They will be able to relate to the slightly quirky writing style and profit from Chris's hard won experience. These children are so individualistic and often isolated from like minds, so the book will provide some solace that there are other people like them' - Judith Stansfield, Chair North Richmondshire Community Partnership SEN ICT Consultant NASEN ICT Group BDACC Reviews and Literature Editor `This book shows how one individual with very severe handicaps due to Asperger's Syndrome won through in the end and achieved despite such a poor beginning. This is a book which should be read by anyone who has been diagnosed with Asperger's Syndrome or feels he or she might have this condition' - Dr L F Lowenstein, National Association Gifted Children Newsletter 'This is an unusual book in that it is written by a man where most autobiographical books about autism are written by women. It is both very readable and well-written, with a detached an honest account of his childhood, family life and life prior to diagnosis. He gets on well with his family, and they are happy that he has written this book, and happy with the book, despite some implied criticism of how they brought him up. I...