Windows 8 XAML Primer

Bok av Jesse. Liberty
Windows 8 XAML Primer is a fast-pacedintroduction to XAML for Windows 8 developers who arealready proficient C# coders. It introduces you specifically to the world of XAML developmentfor Windows 8 apps in a practical, hands-on way -so you'llbe building apps from the very first pages. Building on your existing C# knowledge, you're introducedto XAML from the ground up- what it is, what it does, and why it's important in Windows 8 development. You'll quickly learn how to useXAML efficiently within Visual Studio.You'll findpractical coding quickstarts to get your XAMLhands-on knowledge up to speed, so you'llbe ready to progress to yourmore advanced Windows 8programming projects with ease. If you're confident in your .NET coding abilities but the jump to XAML and C# in Windows 8 is giving you pause, thenWindows 8 XAML Primerwillhave you coding Windows 8 projects in its first pages, and you'll be ready to start your own apps by the time you're finished. What youll learn How to code Windows 8 apps with XAML and C# with your own hands. Confidenceinusing XAML within Visual Studio 2012 efficiently. How to databind to both data sources and other elements. About the many presentation controls and panels that XAML provides for you, what they do and how to use them to best effect. How inbuilt resources such as styles, templates and dictionaries can make your code more fluid, terse, and efficient. How to develop storyboards using the Visual State Manager to create and control XAML animations within your user interface. Who this book is for This book is for new Windows 8 developerswho haveexperience with C# and now want a firm foundation in XAML as they transition to the new world of Windows 8 app development. Table of Contents Building your first XAML layouts Data Binding to data and elements Panels for presenting information Controls for interacting with users Using Resources to speed your development Creating Animations and Managing Visual State