Who Am I?

Bok av Dr Vidyasagar Abburi
Who am I? A Scientific Perspective The book is an attempt to give an overview of the most likely answers to the questions we keep asking ourselves: Who am I? What is life? How did we come to exist? How do you become you? And how trillions and trillions of events happened exactly the way they should for you to be reading this book right now. The likely answers to these questions are explained by way of five miracles: the universe itself and our planet Earth which sustains life; evolution of life from microbes to humans; the incredible cell which is the basic unit of life; uniqueness of each one of us and finally your body and brain. There is continuous change within the framework of our body and mind as millions of cells in our body and the states of mind change every moment. So you and I are miracles representing the flow of life as a process-more as a verb than a noun. This self-awareness helps us to become free from defilements associated with ego and be happy.