Actes du XIVème Congrès UISPP, Université de Liège, Belgique, 2-8 septembre 2001 : sessions générales et posters, Section 9, Le Néolithique au Proche Orient et en Europe

Bok av Le Secretariat Du Congres
Section 9 of the UISPP Congress held at the Univeristy of Liege in 2001 focused on the archaeological evidence for the Neolithic in the Near East and Europe. The proceedings, printed here, comprise three case studies on Neolithic society and economy and seven lithic studies. An additional nineteen general papers discuss a range of sites across Europe, the Aegean and Near East as well as burials, ceramics, mines, textiles, cosmology, rock art and obsidian. There are a further nine posters. The proceedings of Section 10 are also presented here. This session focused on the religion of the Neolithic and Chalcolthic. Five papers discuss the evidence for ritual and the sacred in Italy and Romania, followed by nine general papers on Chalcolithic settlements and remains in Turkey, the Balkans, Italy, Romania, France and Spain. Thirty-one contributions in English, the rest in French.