Designing out crime from products and systems

Bok av Ronald V. Clarke
The theme of this volume is how to design products that are resistant to crime. Chapter topics include: Modifying Criminogenic Products - What Role for Government? (by the editors); Partners against Crime: The Role of the Corporate Sector in Tackling Crime (Jeremy Hardie and Ben Hobbs, Institute for Public Policy Research, UK); Designing Out Crime from the U.K. Vehicle Licensing System (Gloria Laycock and Barry Webb, Jill Dando Institute, University College London); Promoting Design against Crime (Simon Learmont, Judge Institute of Management, University of Cambridge); Breaking the Cycle: Fundamentals of Crime-proofing Design (Rachel Cooper, Andrew B. Wootton, Caroline L. Davey, University of Salford, and Mike Press, Robert Gordon University, Gray's School of Art, Aberdeen); and Security Coding of Electronic Products (the editors).