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Information Security and Cryptology – ICISC 2004 : 7th International Conference, Seoul, Korea, December 2-3, 2004, Revised Selected Papers
Bok av Choon-sik. Park
The 7th International Conference on Information Security and Cryptology was organized by the Korea Institute of Information Security and Cryptology (KIISC) and was sponsored by the Ministry of Information and Communi- tion of Korea. The conference received 194 submissions, and the Program Committee - lected 34 of these for presentation. The conference program included two invited lectures.MikeReiterspokeon"Securityby,andfor,ConvergedMobileDevices." And Frank Stajano spoke on "Security for Ubiquitous Computing." We would like to ?rst thank the many researchers from all over the world who subm- ted their work to this conference. An electronic submission process was ava- able. The submission review process had two phases. In the ?rst phase, Program Committeememberscompiledreports(assistedattheirdiscretionbysubreferees of their choice, but without interaction with other Program Committee m- bers) and entered them, via a Web interface, into the Web Review software. We would like to thank the developers, Bart Preneel, Wim Moreau, and Joris Claessens. Without the Web Review system, the whole review process would not have been possible. In the second phase, Program Committee members used the software to browse each other's reports, and discuss and update their own reports.WeareextremelygratefultotheProgramCommittee membersfortheir enormous investment of time, e?ort, and adrenaline in the di?cult and delicate process of review and selection.
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Information Security and Cryptology - ICISC 2004 : 7th International Con...Engelska - Pocket
ISBN: 9783540262268
ISBN: 9783540262268
Information Security and Cryptology - ICISC 2004 : 7th International Con...Engelska - E-bok
ISBN: 9783540320838
ISBN: 9783540320838
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Information Security and Cryptology - ICISC 2004
1228 kr
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