High Performance Computing HiPC 2001

Bok av Sriram Vajapeyam
MessagefromtheGeneralCo-Chairs It is our pleasure to welcome you to the Eighth International Conference on High Performance Computing and to Hyderabad, a leading center for Infor- tionTechnologyinIndia.Thismessagepaystributetomanyvolunteerswho made this meeting possible. We are indebted to Professor Burkhard Monien for his superb e?orts as p- gramchairinorganizinganexcellenttechnicalprogram.Wewouldliketothank the vice chairs, Guang Gao, Allan Gottlieb, Bruce Maggs, Cauligi Raghavendra, and Horst Simon, for their e?orts in putting together a strong program comm- tee, who in turn reviewed the submissions and composed an excellent technical program.WewouldliketothankCauligiRaghavendraforhise?ortsinorga- zing the invited session on networks. Many volunteers have been associated with HiPC over the years, and they have continued their excellent service in organizing the meeting: Vipin Kumar invited the keynote speakers and coordinated the keynotes, Sartaj Sahni handled the poster/presentation session, Sandhya Dwarkadas and Tulika Mitra handled - blicity, Nalini Venkatasubramanian and her assistant Mario Espinoza interfaced with the authors and Springer-Verlag in bringing out these proceedings, Manav Misra put together the tutorials, Ajay Gupta did a ?ne job in handling inter- tional ?nancial matters, Dheeraj Sanghi administered scholarships for students from Indian academia, Sudheendra Hangal handled the exhibits with inputs from R.Govindarajan,SajalDasactedasvicegeneralchair,C.P.Ravikumarand Vinod Sanjay, though not listed in the announcements, managed publicity w- hin India. We would like to thank all of them for their time and e?orts. OurspecialthanksgotoA.K.P.Nambiarforhiscontinuede?ortsinhandling ?nancial matters as well as coordinating the activities within India.