Paleolimnology IV

Bok av H Loffler
The Fourth International Symposium on Paleolimnology was held in 1985 from 2 -7 September at Lake Ossiach and close to the Austrian village of Ossiach (mentioned in historical records for the first time in 1028). After the opening speeches a performance by a Carinthian folk-dance group gave the participants a taste of the rural atmosphere of Austria's southernmost federal land. 125 paleolimnologists presented and discussed papers during the meetings and many participated About in the pre-congress excursion devoted to the Salzkammergut, and in the post-congress excursion to Neusied- lersee. There was a half-day trip during the symposium to Langsee which is well known from the pioneer work carried out by Professor D. G. Frey more than 30 years ago. In addition to methodological papers most of the special fields of paleolimnology were covered. Special attention was given a.o. to geochemistry, pigments and meromictic lakes. The geographical range of the sites investigated was quite wide. In this connection it is regrettable that none of the expected Soviet colleagues was able to attent the symposium. Under the presidency of Professor D. G. Frey the present members of the international organizing committee (Prof. S. R. Brown, Prof. E. S. Deevey, Prof. F. Oldfield and Dr. M. Ralska-Jasiewiczowa) contributed considerably to the success of the symposium. Likewise our thanks goes to those who helped behind the scenes (Mr. M. Bobek, Mr. M. Fusko, Mrs. A. Klenner, Ms. B. Stipanits and Ms. K. Wolter).