Emerging Technologies for In Situ Processing

Bok av Van Tran Nguyen
1. H. Ahmed In-Situ Processing Canbining MBE, Lit:hJgraphy and Ion-Implantation 2. 1. Hayashi M::>tivations and Early DenDnstrations for In-Situ Prcx::essings For III -V Semiconductor Devices 13 3. John J. Ritsko Laser Etchi. nJ and Microelectronic Applications 23 4. D. Bauerle, T. Szorenyi, G. Q. Zhang, K. Piglmayer, M. Eyett, R. Kullmer Laser-Induced O1emical Processing of Materials 33 5. E. L. Hu High Technology Manufacturing : Critical Issues for the Future 45 6. J. P. Harbison, P. F. Liao, D. M. Hwang, E. Kapon, M. C. Tamargo, G. E. Derkits Jr. and J. Levkoff U1 tra High Vacuum Processing : MBE 55 7. P. N. Favennec, H. L'Haridon, M. Salvi, L. Henry, A. Le Cerre, D. Lecrosnier, M. A. Di Forte Poisson, J. P. Duchemin Epitaxial Growth of III-V Materials on Implanted III-V Substrates 61 8. R. L. Jackson, T. T. Kodas, G. W. Tyndall, T. H. Baum and P. B. Canita Mechanisms of Laser-Induced Deposition fran the Gas Phase 71 9. D. Braichotte and H. Van Den Bergh Tline Resolved Measurements in the Thennally Assisted Photolytic Laser O1emical Vapor Deposition of Platinum 83 10. M. Rothschild and D. J. Ehrlich Excliner Laser Projection Patterning 93 11. P. H. Key, P. E. Dyer, R. D. GreenJugh Excliner Laser Patterning and Etchi. nJ of Metals 105 12. G. Steng1, H. Loschner, E. Hanme1, E. D. Wolf, J. J. Muray Ion Projection Lit:hJgraphy 113 13. J. E. Bouree and J.