Dictionary of Terrorism

Bok av David Wright-Neville
One of the defining features of the post-9/11 world is the extentto which terrorism has become a key organising principle fordomestic and international politics. Introduced by an essay exploring the complex nature of terrorismand with more than 250 entries, each containing suggestions forfurther reading, the Dictionary of Terrorism provides anoverview of the key themes, individuals, organizations and tacticsthat have shaped terrorism throughout history and into thecontemporary world. It covers: * Events such as the 9/11 attacks and the 7/7 Londonbombings * Terrorist organizations from the Assassins of the first centuryto the modern Zapatista Army of National Liberation * Biographies of individual terrorists ranging from Abu Ayyubal-Masri to Abu Zubaydah with extensive coverage given to keyfigures such as Osama bin Laden * Terrorist tactics such as bombings, hijacking and hostagetaking * Key international counter-terrorism conventions The Dictionary of Terrorism is an easily accessibleresource for undergraduate and postgraduate students, researchers,policy-makers and anyone seeking to understand the nature ofpolitical, ethnic and religious violence in the world today.