Think big, act small : how America's best performing companies keep the start-up spirit alive / Jason Jennings. [electronic resource]

Bok av Jason Jennings
Is it possible for a company to grow its revenues and profits by 10 percent or more for at least ten consecutive years, not counting acquisitions? That?s an incredibly high bar for growth and profitability, one that 99.99 percent of American companies can?t meet?including the famous ones that routinely land on magazine covers. Management expert Jason Jennings screened 100,000 companies to identify nine little- known firms that have delivered stellar performance for a full decade or more, despite the ups and downs of the economy. And, as he reveals in his new book, these superstars have a lot in common despite their wide range of industries, which includes software, food services, medical supplies, and sporting goods.It turns out that the best long-term performers all combine the strengths of a big organization with the hunger of a start-up. They build excellent relationships with their customers, suppliers, workers, and shareholders. They groom future leaders at all levels. They balance their short-term goals with their long-term visions. And they teach their managers to get their hands dirty.Jennings did extensive interviews at his nine featured companies to find out exactly how they consistently increase revenue and profits without using manipulation or gimmickry. He reveals their unique approach to leadership and shows how any company, no matter what size or industry, can benefit from following their examples.Think Big, Act Small may be the most powerful management book since Good to Great and Execution.
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Think Big, Act SmallEngelska - Inbunden
ISBN: 9781591843931
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