Hands-On Guide to Video Blogging and Podcasting

Bok av Damien Stolarz och Lionel Felix
Careers such as podcast producers, blog producers, podcast journalists, blog designers, and software engineers with RSS are needed to design a proper podcasting/blogging strategy. Containing real-world experience and examples, this book shows how to choose hardware and software, build studios, and measure audience and distribution channels. Podcasting and video blogging are the next wave in multimedia communication. Podcasting is a fast rising way to master internet publishing, and when combined with corporate blogging works to give a business greater influence within the multimedia sphere. Hands-On Guide to Video Blogging and Podcasting is a book every professional in the broadcast and multimedia sphere should read. The popularity of podcasting and blogging continues to increase exponentially, and this "Hands-On Guide," will answer the questions and teach the reader the technical skills neccessary to capitalize on this new technology. Stolarz and Felix are both highly regarded within the field, and with this book, their expertise and insight become available to all.