World Transformation

Bok av Jawara D. King
Human unconsciousness, which is identification with thought activity, human emotions, and the thinking mind, is the only source of ALL the evil on planet Earth. All evil is the result of humanity living in darkness, not knowing who they are in their essence, beyond their earthly names and physical forms, which causes them to identify with the world of materiality. The only solution to the darkness of humanity is the light of consciousness, which is disidentification from egoic mind structures, going with the flow of life instead of fighting against it, acceptance of what is, and surrendered action. As we continue to transform individually, the entire world is transformed, because in essence, we are all ONE. Each ONE affects the whole, causing World Transformation through the concept of ONENESS by way of the ONE spiritual energetic force that moves through ALL beings. All organized religions were created by men to condition the masses to think in a certain way, or to point beyond religious belief structures to the Infinite, the formless consciousness we call God. Accepting organized religion as the absolute truth instead of relative truth is the foundation for division and the destruction of the planet. Without the transformation of human consciousness, humans will destroy themselves, each other, and the planet, and are already doing so. If humanity continues to blindly believe the media, organized religion, and all the conditioning tools of the powerful ruling Elite who run the world, without doing their own research, they will be destroyed through lack of knowledge. World Transformation: A Guide To Personal Growth And Consciousness is a transformative book that discusses over 110 life-changing topics to help spiritual seekers in their journeys in consciousness. Learn to be the awareness that is aware of and doesn't become all that you observe. World Transformation begins one person at a time. As you change, the whole world changes, because you are a p