In the Facets

Bok av Jeanann Rader
In the Facets, is an action-packed, romantic adventure featuring: Saul, the world's premier sapphire gemstone cutter, and his faithful companion, Prince, a rascally sarcastic Doberman Pincer, hired by Tiffany's House of Fine Jewels in NYC to facet the last natural Blue Sapphire gemstone. Saul begins faceting inside a specially built vault at Tiffany's when he is interrupted by Somalian Pirates who steal the gems and kidnap Saul and the gang. They awake marooned half way around the world in another hemisphere floating helplessly aboard a decommissioned supertanker. Fortunately, two in the gang are retired US military including a Navy Seal and a Green Beret. Both use their expert skills and training and save the gang from certain death. Meanwhile, in Cartier's board room in Paris, as Remi attempts to market his newly acquired sapphires, the gemstones catch the light and flash an SOS onto the wall behind him. Cartier's executives recognize Saul's plea, and aided by a king, Saul and the gang are rescued. Prince and Lady, a beautiful blond King Charles Spaniel, who belongs to Andrew, the CEO of Tiffany's go on their first date where they fall in love under romantic Parisian lights.