Independence or Nothing

Bok av Jerry Jumbam
The intended audience is all the people of the world who are concerned about the oppressed and suffering people deprived of justice and struggling under colonial oppression. The context of the book is the aggression and tyranny the British Southern Cameroonians are undergoing as a result of an artificial union that has subjugated the British Southern Cameroonians to the oppression of the successive La Republique du Cameroun governments (prompted by some Western imperialists) for fifty-seven years now. The book underscores the fact that the principle of self-determination in non-violent ways can solve the legitimate problems many world constituted regions are facing today. Moreover, it is a book that demonstrates in Christian theological ways how the oppressed and marginalized in society can rise up against tyranny and subjugation. The book is about the theology of self-determination. The author of the book (a theologian), inspired by his profound knowledge of Christian theology, believes that, through this theological vision of self-determination, the church must be engaged in the political and economic liberation of Africa and anywhere in the world where people are tyrannized.