Unwonted Reflections

Bok av Barry Cheskin
This book of quotes and poems are dedicated to those who have suffered through life's hardships, as I myself have experienced many. It's a collection of reflections and poems that have been in the works for close to a decade. As a life-long musician, with forty-four years' experience, I always loved songwriting, but couldn't find a wide audience. This book has been written with one goal: To reach hundreds of people that could use a little bit of inspiration in their tough daily lives. It's not meant to ignore the good life, but rather focuses on hope, especially for those struggling with their lives. It's a book of empathy. Its purpose is to leave something for the world in order to make it just a slightly better place. I say that with courage because it comes across as rather arrogant, but I only say that because the bottom line is that I care about people. I've simply desired to share my thoughts with folks, hoping it can at least create one smile or tear. author_bio: Barry Cheskin is a musician of forty-four years who also loves to write. He learned piano at the age of 3 and learned guitar at age 11. He grew up in Longmeadow, Massachusetts with a happy childhood, but as an adult has struggled with hardships, including two divorces and the death of both his parents at too young an age. He graduated from the Boston University College of Communications with a Bachelor of Science in 1990. He has always had pets, and currently has a Chihuahua he treats as his own daughter. Barry has spent fifteen years working in the insurance industry, but has spent years writing on the side as a hobby. Barry was born in 1968, a rather wild year for the earth to experience. He hopes to inspire many people with his book of quotes and poems. Keywords: Inspiring, Empathetic, Heart-Warming, Poetic, Rhythmic, Resourceful, Reflection, Poem, Haiku, Life